About Us

We believe everyone deserves a roof over their head

Join our team

Our Mission

We are on a mission to provide a fresh start to the homeless community while chipping away at the barrier that separates them from society

As we drive on the way to school or work, we try not to make eye contact with those who have fallen and have been forgotten. We either look forward, or ignore their presence. We pretend not to notice them and acknowledge their existence.

This is something we hear time and time again. Surprisingly the worst part about being homeless is the feeling of not being apart of society. getting ignored by everyone, because they are stereotyping you.

Our Team


Executive Director


Web Developer

Our Vision

Unhoused Humanity was founded for one reason; to fill the growing gap of initial expense required to get housed.

A great deal of individuals who are experiencing homelessness have an income, but don't have the necessary amount of capital to enter a home. There are others who experience life difficulties such as high medical bills, and electricity bills, which causes them to run short on their monthly budget.

At Unhoused Humanity we strongly believe that individuals who are experiencing these situations should never be homeless, or experience long- term homelessness. That is why our grant program provides those start-up cost for people who need the extra help back up.

Our Board

Sam Staley

Board Chair

Susan Leigh

Board Member

Monique Ellsworth

Board Member

Partners and Sponsors